Bash/Shell articles
When interacting with a computer, we typically prefer graphical interfaces. However, a more efficient way to interact with computers is through a text-based interface known as a Bash script. The tutorials below discuss a variety of topics and tips regarding Bash scripting including "how to run a bash script" and how Bash is used in Linux.- Getting started with the command line
Command Line Interface
- Bash/Shell,
- Code foundations,
- Computer science,
- Developer tools
- Navigate your operating system like a professional programmer
Command Line Interface Setup
- Bash/Shell
- Never fear losing work with this professional versioning system
Git Setup for Mac and Windows Computers
- Bash/Shell,
- Code foundations,
- Game development,
- Mobile development,
- Web development
- The basics of PowerShell commands useful for any Cybersecurity professional.
Important PowerShell Commands for Cybersecurity Analysts
- Bash/Shell,
- Cybersecurity
- Glossary of commonly used commands
List of Command Line Commands
- Bash/Shell,
- Computer science
- Glossary of commonly used commands.
List of Command Line Commands
- Bash/Shell,
- Developer tools
- Navigate your operating system like a professional programmer
Setting Up Command Line
- Bash/Shell,
- Code foundations,
- Computer science,
- Developer tools