Game development articles
Game development is the application of computer science to create games for mobile, tablet, desktop, or any other platform. Several frameworks in many programming languages exist to facilitate the game design process such as Unity in C# and PyGame in Python. One of the best ways to learn how to program is to design games! It's fun and educational. The tutorials below provide tips and tricks on how to get started with game development.- Learn how to create a 2D game in this Godot tutorial
Introduction to Creating a Simple 2D Game with Godot: A Beginner's Guide
- Game development
- This article provides an overview of servers, databases, routing, and anything else that happens between when a client makes a request and receives a response.
Back-End Web Architecture
- Code foundations,
- Game development,
- Web development
- Learn how to develop Phaser 3 games locally on your own computer.
Developing Phaser 3 Games Locally
- Game development,
- JavaScript
- What is the ECS architecture? And how does A-Frame use it?
- Game development,
- Learn about game development with one of the most popular game engines, Unreal Engine!
Game Development with Unreal Engine
- Developer tools,
- Game development
- Never fear losing work with this professional versioning system
Git Setup for Mac and Windows Computers
- Bash/Shell,
- Code foundations,
- Game development,
- Mobile development,
- Web development
- An introduction to Godot, the open-source game engine for creating immersive 2D and 3D games.
Godot Game Engine: A Beginner’s Guide
- Game development
- Learn about HTML5 game development with one of the most popular frameworks, Phaser!
HTML5 Game Development with Phaser
- Game development,
- JavaScript,
- Mobile development,
- Web development
- Learn how to get PostgreSQL set up on your own computer
Installing and Using PostgreSQL Locally
- Developer tools,
- Game development,
- Mobile development,
- SQL,
- Web development
- Use this guide to brush up on interacting with JavaScript arrays.
Javascript Guide: Arrays
- Code foundations,
- Game development,
- JavaScript,
- Mobile development,
- Web development
- Need a quick reference to fundamental Phaser concepts? Check this guide out!
Phaser Quick Guide
- Developer tools,
- Game development
- Red, green, refactor
Red, Green, Refactor
- Code foundations,
- Game development,
- Web development
- Learn about the .NET platform that powers C# applications
What is .NET?
- C#,
- Game development,
- Web development
- We'll be exploring the topic of databases and their usage.
What is a Database?
- Code foundations,
- Computer science,
- Game development,
- Mobile development,
- SQL,
- Web development
- Learn about RDBMS and the language used to access large datasets – SQL.
What is a Relational Database Management System?
- Developer tools,
- Game development,
- Mobile development,
- SQL,
- Web development