Unary operators

MamtaWardhani's avatar
Published Feb 6, 2025
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Unary operators in C operate on a single operand to perform various operations such as incrementing, decrementing, negating, or manipulating bits. They are frequently used for modifying values, checking conditions, and optimizing calculations in expressions.


operator operand;
  • operator: A unary operator that performs an operation on a single operand.
  • operand: The variable or value on which the operator acts.

Note: In postfix notation, the operator is placed after the operand, and the original value is used before the operation takes effect.

Types of Unary operators

Increment (++)

Increases the value of the operand by 1. Can be used in prefix (++x) or postfix (x++) notation.

Decrement (--)

Decreases the value of the operand by 1. Can be used in prefix (--x) or postfix (x--) notation.

Unary Plus (+)

Indicates a positive value. Rarely used explicitly, as numbers are positive by default.

Unary Minus (-)

Negates the value of the operand.

Logical NOT (!)

Reverses the truth value of the operand. If the operand is nonzero, it returns 0; otherwise, it returns 1.

Bitwise NOT (~)

Inverts all bits of the operand.

Indirection (*)

Accesses the value stored at a memory address (used with pointers).

Addressof (&)

Retrieves the memory address of a variable.

Sizeof (sizeof())

Determines the size (in bytes) of a variable or data type.


In this example, various unary operators are demonstrated, such as negation, increment, decrement, bitwise operations, and the sizeof operator to show their effects on integer values:

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int number = 5;
int negation = -number; // Unary minus
int logicalNot = !number; // Logical NOT
int bitwiseNot = ~number; // Bitwise NOT
int preIncrement = ++number; // Pre-increment
int postDecrement = number--; // Post-decrement
int sizeInBytes = sizeof(number); // Sizeof operator
printf("Unary minus: %d\n", negation);
printf("Logical NOT: %d\n", logicalNot);
printf("Bitwise NOT: %d\n", bitwiseNot);
printf("Pre-increment: %d\n", preIncrement);
printf("Post-decrement: %d\n", postDecrement);
printf("Sizeof operator: %d\n", sizeInBytes);
return 0;

The code produces the output as:

Unary minus: -5
Logical NOT: 0
Bitwise NOT: -6
Pre-increment: 6
Post-decrement: 6
Sizeof operator: 4

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