Web development articles
Web development involves the creation and maintenance of websites and web applications using various programming languages such as Java, Python, and JavaScript. Developers use these languages to write the software that powers the functionality and interactivity of a website, making it accessible both on desktop and mobile devices. Web development encompasses everything from coding and database management to user interface design, ensuring a seamless online experience for users. The tutorials below provide tips and tricks on how to get started with web development.- How the learning experience is accessible for learners
Accessibility on the Platform
- Web design,
- Web development
- This article covers the design concepts of affordances and signifiers as well as some of their applications in web design.
Affordances, Signifiers, and Clickability
- Code foundations,
- Web design,
- Web development
- Learn about app authentication and the basics of OAuth.
Authentication and OAuth
- Cybersecurity,
- Web development
- In this article, you’ll get an overview of three key concepts in web security: Authentication, Authorization, & Encryption.
Authentication vs Authorization vs Encryption
- Cybersecurity,
- Web development
- This article provides an overview of servers, databases, routing, and anything else that happens between when a client makes a request and receives a response.
Back-End Web Architecture
- Code foundations,
- Game development,
- Web development
- In this article, we'll use Bootstrap to implement these three common website features:
Bootstrap: Creating Menus, Navbars, and Modals
- Web development
- Learn how to make your sites work across all browsers and browser versions
Browser Compatibility
- Developer tools,
- Web design,
- Web development
- Learn how to build a web app using Vite.
Building Apps With Vite
- Full-stack engineer,
- Web development
- Use Visual Studio Code in your local environment and create an HTML website!
Building Projects with VS Code
- Developer tools,
- Web development
- Take a look at the recent changes to the Codecademy catalog!
Change Log
- AI,
- Computer science,
- Data science,
- Web development
- Learn characteristics of a good test
Characteristics of a good Test
- Web development
- In this article, you will learn about _code coverage_ and _test coverage_ – two metrics that organizations can use to determine the extent to which an application's code has been tested – and why these metrics are useful.
Code Coverage
- Web development
- Which build tool is right for your project — Webpack, Parcel, esbuild, or Vite?
Comparison of Build Tools
- Full-stack engineer,
- Web development
- In Wix, you can display and gather content with page elements and datasets. When these items are in place, you can easily make the connection between your database and the pages on your site.
Connecting Page Elements to a Dataset
- Web development
- 5 Steps to leverage design practices and tools while you build websites
Consider Design While You Build
- Web development
- Step-by-Step guide on creating a URL using slugs.
Create a URL Using Slugs
- Web development
- If you've completed many Codecademy courses, but still find yourself asking, "Where can I write code on my own computer?", then start here!
Create and View a Web Page on Your Computer
- Web development
- If you've completed many Codecademy courses, but still find yourself asking, "Where can I write code on my own computer?", then start here!
Create and View a Web Page on Your Computer
- Web development
- Create stunning Tailwind CSS forms with this beginner-friendly step-by-step guide.
Create Stunning Tailwind CSS Forms: A Step-by-Step Guide
- Web design,
- Web development
- Use the tools on your own computer to start your own HTML/CSS project!
Create Your First Local HTML/CSS Project
- Code foundations,
- Web design,
- Web development
- Use create-react-app to easily create a React application on your own computer.
Creating a React App
- JavaScript,
- Web development
- Put your work online using GitHub Pages – no command line required!
Creating a Website on GitHub Pages
- Web development
- Create pages from a collection quickly and simply through Wix's dynamic pages feature.
Creating Dynamic Pages
- Developer tools,
- Web development
- A brief overview of APIs as they relate to JavaScript data structures.
Data Structure APIs
- Code foundations,
- Computer science,
- Web development
- Learn about two strategies to help scale a database.
Database Scaling Strategies
- Back-end engineer,
- Computer science,
- Data scientist,
- Full-stack engineer,
- Web development
- Wix has a database built into the editor that allows you to store data, and use it to display content. They’ve made the challenging part of database management a breeze with their Content Manager, collections, and datasets.
Dataset Basics
- Web development
- Debug your code using Visual Studio debugging tools
Debugging in Visual Studio
- C#,
- Developer tools,
- Web development
- Guide for putting your Rails app online with Heroku.
Deploy Rails to Heroku
- Ruby,
- Web development
- Learn how to deploy a back-end app using Heroku and GitHub.
Deploying a Back-End with Heroku
- Developer tools,
- JavaScript,
- Web development
- Learn how to deploy your own Flask application with Heroku.
Deploying a Flask App
- Developer tools,
- Python,
- Web development
- Learn how to use Heroku to deploy a full-stack app, with Heroku's Postgres add-on.
Deploying a Full-Stack App with Heroku
- Web development
- Learn how to deploy a program in Python using Flask!
Deploying a Simple Python Script With Flask
- Full-stack engineer,
- Python,
- Web development
- Learn how to easily deploy a static site through Netlify's GitHub integration.
Deploying a Static Site with Netlify
- Cloud computing,
- Web development
- Share your website with the world, for free!
Deploying to GitHub Pages
- Developer tools,
- Open source,
- Web development
- High-level, language-agnostic introduction to depth-first search with theoretical and practical discussion.
Depth-First Search: Conceptual
- Computer science,
- Web development
- Learn about color considerations in your visual design.
Design - Color
- Web design,
- Web development
- Learn what happens behind the scenes when you Run a Kotlin program.
From Editor to Output
- Kotlin,
- Web development
- Heroku is a cloud-based Platform as a Service (PaaS) that enables developers to get an app up and running quickly, without the hassle of setting up a server.
Getting Started with Heroku
- Developer tools,
- Web development
- Create a Netlify account and learn how it can be used to easily share your websites with the world.
Getting Started with Netlify
- Web development
- Style your Wix website to your liking by using the Wix Editor.
Getting Started with the Wix Editor
- Developer tools,
- Web development
- Visual Studio Code is one of the most popular and powerful text editors used by software engineers today.
Getting Started with Visual Studio Code
- Code foundations,
- Computer science,
- Data science,
- Developer tools,
- Web development
- Visual Studio Code is one of the most popular and powerful text editors used by software engineers today.
Getting Started with Visual Studio Code and Building HTML Websites
- Developer tools,
- Web development
- Learn how to handle user input synchronously in Node.js.
Getting User Input in Node.js
- JavaScript,
- Web development
- Never fear losing work with this professional versioning system
Git Setup for Mac and Windows Computers
- Bash/Shell,
- Code foundations,
- Game development,
- Mobile development,
- Web development
- With Heroku being "the fastest way to go from idea to URL", deploying an app is a fairly simple process. But there are many more features that make Heroku a solid choice when it comes to configuring, scaling, tuning, and managing apps.
Going Beyond with Heroku
- Web development
- Explore even more features that Netlify offers beyond deployment.
Going Beyond with Netlify
- Cloud computing,
- Web development
- Git provides us with a vast number of different commands that are listed on the documentation which can be intimidating at first. We will break down a couple that are powerful for daily tasks.
Handy Git Operations
- Developer tools,
- Web development
- Explore AWS with a Free Tier account!
How To Create a Free AWS Account
- Cloud computing,
- Web development
- In this article, you will learn how to create your own web page and the difference between local and remote URLs.
How to Create a Website
- Web development
- Learn about Jupyter Notebooks and how you can use them to run your code.
How To Use Jupyter Notebooks
- Data science,
- Developer tools,
- Python,
- Web development
- Eye-tracking studies can show how users consume content online and help designers create compelling layouts.
How Users Scan: Learning from Eye Tracking Research
- Web design,
- Web development
- In this article, learn more about the differences between HTML classes and IDs.
HTML: Classes vs IDs
- Web development
- Learn about HTML5 game development with one of the most popular frameworks, Phaser!
HTML5 Game Development with Phaser
- Game development,
- JavaScript,
- Mobile development,
- Web development
- An introduction to the Web's most popular error
HTTP Errors: 404
- Code foundations,
- Web development
- Understand the basics of how your web browser communicates with the internet.
HTTP Requests
- Web development
- Expand your website’s capabilities by using "wix-fetch" to make various HTTP requests.
HTTP Requests in Velo
- JavaScript,
- Web development
- An article on how to implement the Redux store object using vanilla JavaScript.
Implementing the Redux Store from Scratch
- Full-stack engineer,
- JavaScript,
- Web development
- Learn how to get PostgreSQL set up on your own computer
Installing and Using PostgreSQL Locally
- Developer tools,
- Game development,
- Mobile development,
- SQL,
- Web development
- In this article, you will learn how to install a virtual environment then install Django in the virtual environment all on your own computer!
Installing Django
- Python,
- Web development
- Learn how to search and use the Mozilla Developer Network documentation
Intro to Mozilla Developer Network
- Code foundations,
- JavaScript,
- Web development
- Learn about how CDNs can take our applications around the world!
Introduction to CDNs
- Front-end engineer,
- Web development
- A brief overview of the data wrangling process and tidy data
Introduction to Data Wrangling and Tidying
- Data science,
- Web development
- Learn about load balancers and how resource load is distributed using various load balancing algorithms.
Introduction to Load Balancing
- Computer science,
- Data science,
- Web development
- Learn about NoSQL and the different types of NoSQL databases.
Introduction to NoSQL
- Data science,
- Web development
- This article provides a high-level overview of unit testing, why tests are important, and what the Mocha and Chai frameworks provide.
Introduction to Testing with Mocha and Chai
- Web development
- Java programs have a specific structure. Let's take a closer look at the Hello World program — line by line!
Java Program Structure
- Java,
- Web development
- Programming reference for JavaScript.
JavaScript Glossary
- JavaScript,
- Web development
- Use this guide to brush up on interacting with JavaScript arrays.
Javascript Guide: Arrays
- Code foundations,
- Game development,
- JavaScript,
- Mobile development,
- Web development
- This article guides learners through comparing their code to the solution code, and maximizing learning through this process.
Learning from Solution Code
- Code foundations,
- Web development
- In this article, you’ll be introduced to the practice of mocking and how it can be used in unit and integration tests.
Mocking In Tests
- Web development
- Learn how to analyze data using MongoDB aggregation pipelines.
MongoDB Aggregation Pipelines: A Hands-on Tutorial
- Web development
- Learn MongoDB Aggregation Stages
MongoDB Aggregation Stages Explained
- Web development
- Learn about how data is stored in MongoDB.
MongoDB Data
- Data science,
- Web development
- Learn how MongoDB creates relationships between data!
MongoDB Data Modeling Basics
- Data science,
- Web development
- App organization explained
MVC: Model, View, Controller
- Code foundations,
- Web development
- Learn how to use the Node package manager to include external packages in your Node.js projects.
Node Package Manager
- Web development
- Learn outside-in TDD
Outside-In Test-Driven Development
- Web development
- Guide for managing your code with Git and sharing your code with GitHub.
Push to GitHub
- Web development
- Use React Developer Tools to debug your React applications.
React Developer Tools
- Front-end engineer,
- JavaScript,
- Web development
- Learn how React's virtual DOM prevents wasteful DOM manipulation.
React: The Virtual DOM
- JavaScript,
- Web development
- This article explains how to read tests that are written with the Mocha and Chai JavaScript frameworks.
Reading Tests with Mocha and Chai
- JavaScript,
- Web development
- In this article, you will learn how to generate an API key to use the Rebrandly URL Shortener API.
Rebrandly URL Shortener API
- Developer tools,
- Web development
- Red, green, refactor
Red, Green, Refactor
- Code foundations,
- Game development,
- Web development
- Expand the possibilities of what your program can do with objects.
Represent Everyday Things with Objects
- Code foundations,
- Computer science,
- Web development
- Guide for navigating a Rails app with static pages.
Request-Response Cycle I
- Code foundations,
- Computer science,
- Ruby,
- Web development
- Guide for navigating a dynamic Rails app.
Request-Response Cycle II
- Ruby,
- Web development
- Guide for navigating a Rails app with a form.
Request-Response Cycle III
- Ruby,
- Web development
- An article that explores ridesharing algorithms.
Ridesharing Algorithms: Optimization and Iteration
- Computer science,
- Web development
- Run a full-stack web application from your terminal
Run a Full-Stack Web Application
- Web development
- Learn how to run JavaScript code in your browser.
Running JavaScript in the Browser Console
- Front-end engineer,
- JavaScript,
- Web development
- This article is a practical guide to reading the output from tests written with the Mocha and Chai frameworks.
Running Tests and Interpreting Output with Mocha and Chai
- Web development
- Never fear losing work with this professional versioning system
Set Up with Git and GitHub
- Developer tools,
- Open source,
- Web development
- The backend is an important part of any website. It's where long-term data is stored, and where code is executed to handle interactions between your website and it's visitors. Wix has conveniently added the ability to control certain aspects of the backend with web modules.
Setting Up a Backend
- JavaScript,
- Web development
- This article walks you through setting up your Wix account and other basic features of the Wix platform.
Setting up a Wix Account
- Developer tools,
- Web development
- This article explains how to set up and use a screen reader in order to think critically about the accessibility of the websites that you're building.
Setting Up and Using Screen Readers
- Web design,
- Web development
- Install Node on your computer to utilize Node packages
Setting Up Node
- JavaScript,
- Web development
- Get Postman setup on your computer so that you can start testing API requests with ease.
Setting Up Postman
- Developer tools,
- Web development
- Setup MongoDB on your computer.
Setup MongoDB
- Developer tools,
- SQL,
- Web development
- Step aside, James Bond! In this article, you'll learn about spies in the context of testing and about the Sinon.js library.
Spies with Sinon
- Web development
- Configure your computer to serve content from `localhost` using the Live Server extension and VS Code.
Spinning Up A Local Server
- Developer tools,
- Web development
- Guide for Rails' seven standard controller actions used for displaying and modifying data.
Standard Controller Actions
- Ruby,
- Web development
- An Introduction to Test-Driven Development
Test-Driven Development
- Web development
- In this article, you will be introduced to the different types of testing that may be used throughout the various stages of a project from local development to shipping to real users.
Testing Types
- Web development
- Learn about the testing pyramid
The Testing Pyramid
- Web development
- Let's explore what the tsconfig.json file is for.
The tsconfig.json File
- JavaScript,
- Web development
- This article explains how errors in your code aren't a bad thing, but rather an opportunity to learn. Additionally, it provides several steps to identify and fix these errors.
Thinking About Errors in Your Code Differently
- Code foundations,
- Web development
- This article teaches the importance of splitting a data set into training, validation and test sets.
Training Set vs Validation Set vs Test Set
- Web development
- In this article, we'll take a close look at selecting typeface for site design, and we'll explore how we can utilize fonts to convey content and tone.
Typography Design
- Web design,
- Web development
- You've come a long way from creating a Wix account to building complex websites in Velo, but your journey isn't over.
Up Next on Velo
- Developer tools,
- JavaScript,
- Web development
- Debug and experiment with code from within your browser.
Use DevTools
- Developer tools,
- Web development
- Article about how users do not read websites.
Users Don’t Read Web Pages
- Web design,
- Web development
- Take a look at the at the recent changes to the Web Development domain content
Web Development Change Log
- Web development
- This article will teach you how to set up for web development on Chromebooks so you can do off-platform web development projects on your Chromebook.
Web Programming on a Chromebook
- Developer tools,
- JavaScript,
- Web development
- In this article, we will introduce what web security is and what its main principles are!
Web Security: Not An Add-On
- Cybersecurity,
- Web development
- This article covers common UI conventions.
Web UI Conventions
- Web design,
- Web development
- Learn about the .NET platform that powers C# applications
What is .NET?
- C#,
- Game development,
- Web development
- Learn how database indexes help us quickly query data.
What is a Database Index?
- Computer science,
- SQL,
- Web development
- We'll be exploring the topic of databases and their usage.
What is a Database?
- Code foundations,
- Computer science,
- Game development,
- Mobile development,
- SQL,
- Web development
- Learn about databases and how they can be used when building applications.
What is a Database?
- Code foundations,
- Computer science,
- Mobile development,
- SQL,
- Web development
- Learn about RDBMS and the language used to access large datasets – SQL.
What is a Relational Database Management System?
- Developer tools,
- Game development,
- Mobile development,
- SQL,
- Web development
- Learn what a Single-Page Application (SPA) is and why you would use it.
What is a SPA?
- JavaScript,
- Web development
- Learn about web apps and what goes into building them.
What is a Web App?
- Web development
- Learn how an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) can make you more effective as a programmer and how to get started using one.
What is an IDE?
- Mobile development,
- Swift,
- Web development
- Learn about the Integrated Development Environment, an application that makes programming easier!
What Is an IDE?
- Code foundations,
- Developer tools,
- Web development
- Discover how the C# language and the ASP.NET framework are used to build websites and web apps
What is ASP.NET Razor Pages?
- C#,
- Web development
- Why AWS may or may not be a good fit for your business.
What Is AWS?
- Cloud computing,
- Web development
- Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) are the four basic functions that models should be able to do, at most.
What is CRUD?
- Code foundations,
- Mobile development,
- Web development
- In this article, you'll learn about digital accessibility and why it is important to incorporate aspects of digital accessibility into websites.
What is Digital Accessibility?
- Web design,
- Web development
- Learn about the popular web framework Express.js.
What is Express.js?
- JavaScript,
- Web development
- A brief guide to understanding JSON and its use cases.
What Is JSON?
- Code foundations,
- JavaScript,
- Web development
- Learn about Node.js, a JavaScript runtime for building server-side or desktop applications.
What is Node?
- JavaScript,
- Web development
- In this article, you'll understand product usability by learning about five critical components of usability: learnability, efficiency, memorability, errors, and satisfaction.
What is Product Usability?
- Web design,
- Web development
- Programming is a collaboration between humans and computers.
What is Programming?
- Code foundations,
- Computer science,
- Web development
- Learn about the REST (Representational State Transfer) paradigm and how rest architecture streamlines communication between web components.
What is REST?
- Computer science,
- Web development
- Learn some of the underlying technology powering the Spring framework
What is Spring Boot?
- Java,
- Web development
- Learn about the SQLite database engine and how to install it on your computer.
What is SQLite?
- Developer tools,
- SQL,
- Web development
- Learn how to use the $w selector to select Wix elements
What is the $w Selector
- Web development
- Learn what CSS-in-JS is and why one might use it over CSS in a stylesheet.
Why CSS-in-JS?
- Web development
- Let's explore how asynchronous JavaScript helps us create more efficient apps.
Why Learn Asynchronous JavaScript?
- Code foundations,
- Computer science,
- JavaScript,
- Web development
- Why has object-oriented programming become a major programming paradigm?
Why Object-Oriented Programming?
- Code foundations,
- Computer science,
- Web development
- Apply your new Android development skills to bring a wireframe to life.
Wireframe to Wire-fame
- Java,
- Web development
- Learn how to build a wireframe for a website or app and why this is an important step in development
- Web design,
- Web development
- Utilize "wix-fetch" to make a GET request and take your website to the next level.
Wix .fetch
- JavaScript,
- Web development
- Use Wix's built-in methods and functions to add interactive functionality to your website
Wix Built-in Methods and Functions
- JavaScript,
- Web development
- Learn how to add interactivity to your Wix site, target specific customers, and increase engagement using Wix's easily customizable Wix lightbox element
Wix Lightbox
- Web design,
- Web development
- Learn how to use the Code Panel in Wix's Code Editor to build a website.
Working in the Code Panel
- Web development